this early bird despises the worm

Friday, January 29, 2010

I don’t know if I’m officially into the “nesting” stage of pregnancy yet. I actually think I’ve been nesting for a whole year, being a newlywed and all. And, considering that we’ve already lived in 4 different places, I think I’ve had plenty of reason to obsessively nest. At any rate, keeping things clean and in order is high on my priority list these days. Our house is small, so continuous organization is kind of a must. At this point I can proudly say that all of baby’s things are in order, and we would be able to function quite comfortably should baby come, say, tomorrow. Gulp…

Joey and I got a tour of the maternity ward in the Brandon Regional Health Centre yesterday. It’s fairly new and very well set up. I won’t go as far as saying I’m excited to give birth there, but I’m pleased we have access to such a facility. The midwife that was supposed to give us the tour was actually at a birth, so another midwife on our team was our guide. I’ve met all three of our midwives and I think I’m going to be very comfortable with whichever one is on call when the big event takes place. (Here we pause for a moment of slight panic. Fear not, readers, these moments pass quickly…)
That pretty much sums up my news for now. I leave you with random pictures of our not-so-random life.
I think knitting like crazy falls under the category of "nesting". I just finished this afghan yesterday!
We got our new phil&teds stroller in the mail the other day. See? Pretty!
Sheba's being a naughty kitty and spreading things all over the floor.
Joey and I have discovered that we share a love for Scrabble. Strange, isn't it?


  1. I'll hold the babies while you guys all play scrabble. Smexy stroller!

  2. Scrabble diamond? What version is that? And I played it with Michelle the other day, we both didn't know all the rules, besides, you need to spell words, and the lack of instructions was stupid.

  3. It's just a fancy pants version that folds up all slick and span (ha). Joey and I like it because we can laugh at our lack of spelling skills. We play with a dictionary handy. I think our favourite thing is trying to make up words and getting the other person to believe that they're real. Did yours not have instructions? That would not be cool if you weren't familiar with it.


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