a happy happy post

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


I have exciting news!

We're going to move into a bigger house!  1200 square feet kind of dwarfs our current 450, no?

A NEW bigger house!

It's actually a modular home - what everyone knows as a mobile home (although they are really not very mobile now...).  It is long and skinny.  It has panelled walls (not the old school wood kind - don't worry).  It is prefab in every sense of the word.

And it's PERFECT!

Here's a list of things I will be grateful for:

  • We will have THREE bedrooms!  Granted, two of them are really tight, but I'm just excited to not have to sleep in my living room anymore.
  • We will have TWO bathrooms - full ones!  Now my messy morning getting ready habits can be safely sequestered to one end of the house while guests can trip over Judah's bath toys in the other one.
  • Did I mention that there will be bathtubs in those bathrooms?  No?  Well, there will be.  I've gone without a bathtub for two years.  They have been very long years.  Now I can soak my aching pregnant body THREE TIMES A DAY if I so desire.  It also means that we will be able to bathe Judah somewhere other than our kitchen sink. 
  • Speaking of kitchen sinks, we will have a double one.  I never really realized how amazing those are... 
  • ...and though two sinks makes for easier dishes-doing, we will have a dishwasher.  There will actually be room for a dishwasher in our house!  I think this is the biggest thing I'm excited about.  Isn't that kind of... sad?
  • Closets!  FIVE of them!  And one of them is a walk-in!  Big enough to use as a room if we should need it, right?
  • A laundry ROOM!  Imagine that!  An entire room dedicated to laundry - with room for a chest freezer, if we so desire. 
  • A place to put our dining room table!  Guys, we will be able to have guests over without making them sit on our bed and eat at TV trays.
  • Many, many, MANY windows that all open.  Think of the light!  Think of the airflow!  Think of my restored sanity!
  • Privacy!  Our house will no longer be plopped at the hub of activity.  It will be off in it's own little corner of a pasture at the top of a hill.  
  • A yard in which I can hang laundry to dry in the summer breeze and warm sunshine, (hopefully) plant a garden, read books, and let Judah play around in.
  • My parents will be able to stay with us (in our house!) if they so desire.  Guests!  Bring on the guests!
  • Room to store bulk goods like canned things, pasta, onions, blah blah blah, etc. etc.
  • Counter space for bread, bun, cookie, muffin, pasta, and perogy making.
  • Room for my babies to roll, crawl, walk, and run.  Right now Judah can make the rounds in about 59 seconds flat. *sigh*
  • Flooring that isn't 25 years old!  The kind I can wash and it will actually look clean!
  • Places to put all of the homemade things that Joey and I are keen to build.
  • I'm sure I could add to this list indefinitely if I left my computer open all day while I go about my business in our current house...
It feels wonderful to be provided for.  I realize that we could survive with a lot less and I never want to take the privilege to which I've been born for granted.  In these two years of marriage I have discovered how nice it is to have a fridge bigger than 3 cubic feet, a shower in my house, a washer and dryer that I don't have to walk outside to get to, walls between sections of the house, an attic that's not inhabited by racoons, and freedom from ongoing problems with mice.  These have all contributed to some awesome memories that I am grateful to have.  Now I am so blessed to be able to look forward and anticipate all of the freedom this new house will provide.  

I'm so excited!!!


  1. I would be worried if you were not excited ;). Enjoy your last months in the little house.

  2. Thanks, guys! We're anticipating moving in sometime in June. Now I'm praying that the baby doesn't come early... although, if s/he does, I'm sure God will provide. :)


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