a true milestone

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Cuteness has started to say words.


Real, discernable (if only to me) words! Today he surprised us by saying "Dada!" when Joey went into his room to get him up this morning. Likewise, he said "Mum!" when I got him from his morning nap. He's said his name half a dozen times today ("ZshjooDAH" or "LooDAH", with major emphasis on the "dah"). He has also said "Kitty", which comes out rather like "Likty" or "Tikky" or Tikilitky". It's a really slobbery-sound, at any rate. He says "Nana! Nnnnnannna!" when hungry (bananas are the universal symbol for food, doncha know). If food is tasty, a rewarding "num num!" is issued.

He's become very interested in the world around him.  He's mastered the art of pointing, which I've taken to mean, "Look at that! What is it?". At said gesture, I respond with the appropriate title. Toys are becoming much more fun now that he's learned that everything in creation is not made for the sole purpose of catching drool. Pillows are simply the Best Things when on the floor - they make for great flopping fun.

Walking is still neither here nor there. He's improving his balance daily by crossing greater distances without holding onto surfaces for dear life. Sadly, our house is far too convenient for him to really put his skills to the test. Everything is pretty much within reach no matter where he stands. I have noticed that he's preferring to walk along things rather than crawling, though. That's a huge step forward (ba ha ha) in my books.

I really, really love seeing him grow, learn, and change. Every day I think, "this is simply the best stage ever", only to find that the next is just as (if not more) thrilling. I am so thankful for the privilege of being a mother.


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