predictably unpredictable

Monday, March 14, 2011

I love how pregnancy varies so much from woman to woman, pregnancy to pregnancy.  When I was pregnant with the Cuteness, it was kind of fun to figure out "oh, that's what they meant by Braxton Hicks contractions", and "I never believed heartburn could actually keep you from sleeping".  Even though it was a very easy pregnancy, it still came with a lot of the symptoms and side affects that the books mention.

This time I'm finding it even easier to recognize the side affects of pregnancy because they seem to be magnified ten fold.

Last time:
slight aversions to a few foods, no reason to up-chuck
This time:
IN. TENSE. aversions to food (especially peanut butter) and many reasons to up-chuck.

Last time: 
dry hands (the right being slightly drier) beginning in the third trimester
This time:
extremely dry hands (the right about to shrivel up and die) beginning WITHIN A MONTH of conception

Last time:
Braxton Hicks contractions that didn't appear until about 34 weeks and hardly felt like anything
This time: 
Braxton Hicks contractions that started around 20 weeks, feeling closer to real pain than mere practice

Last time:
a head full of thick, never-shedding hair
This time:
shedding, shedding, shedding, but still so thick

Last time:
Want. Sugar. At. All. Times.
This time:
Want. Salt. At. All. Times.

Last time:
Orange juice rocked my world
This time:
Milk rocks my world

Last time:
Eggs became the most disgusting slimy things I had ever seen
This time:
Eggs are the one food I can count on enjoying

Last time:
I first felt the baby around 21 weeks
This time:
I first felt the baby around 14 weeks

Last time:
I was virtually headache free for nine months
This time:
headaches have been my constant friend

Last time:
If I didn't eat breakfast five minutes after I got up, I would die.
This time:
I often forget about eating in the morning because I am never hungry. 

That's all I can think of at the moment.  As you can see, pregnancy is very random (or pregnancy is wack, as I've been known to say).  But, even though it feels like as much of a roller coaster as it did the first time, I'm still enjoying every moment of it.

1 comment:

  1. Last time: Boy
    This time: Girl???

    Whatever it is, we're excited for you!


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