
Saturday, March 26, 2011

He's over at the fridge now, trying to figure out how it opens. Looking up and seeing me gazing at him, he lets out a friendly giggle, throwing his head back as he's seen me do. Walking along the furniture is no big deal, so in a second he's next to me, trying to press the caps lock key, playing with the zipper on the pillow, and laughing without cause. A second later and he's crawled across the floor, placed himself in his (not-so) high chair, and guzzled whole milk from his sippy. He must feel rejuvenated, because he's on the move again. Oh, look, a cheerio! *crunch*. And another! *crunch crunch*.  Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio, SOCK! Mommy, look - a sock!

There's now a sock on my keyboard. My caps lock key is under tribulation again. He is desperately trying to pull himself onto the couch. Why are laptops so enthralling? 

Enough of this! thinks he. He makes his way (on two limbs this time) to the new Thing he found in his domain after returning from a sleepover at Grandma's. This Thing is just a dining room chair, but he thinks it's grand - until he sees the pillow next to him on the floor. FLOP. More giggles, more smiles.

Attack! I feel two little hands on my back. He seems to have discovered the wide band of my bra and has decided that it's stretchy properties make it ideal to bungee on.

More giggles. Head thrown back. Words I can't interpret.

Now he looks at me, wagging his head from side to side with a mischievous gleam. He wants reaction. Grabbing things and throwing them on the floor isn't working, but getting into cupboards does. He waits until I see him before touching what's inside. I get up to fetch him, and he politely closes the door before I get there. Reaching up and grabbing just one of my fingers, he leads me back into the carpeted area of the room.

I can tell he's getting bored, but I just can't stop watching him, can't stop drinking in my baby boy as he drinks in his world. We got home almost two hours ago, and he's been happily entertaining himself the entire time. Stacking cups stack. Cheerios crunch. His toolbox sings, and his phone talks. He's made friends with all of them today.

It's an understatement to say that I cherish these moments. Of course I do. But knowing that motherhood brings many moments to cherish does not lessen their value or make them any less of a surprise and blessing.


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