dinner guests and the return of camp

Saturday, July 02, 2011

We actually had my parents over for supper last night! They made the 4 hour trip yesterday to come see our new digs, the beach-ball-baby, and the growing toddler. It was excellent. We bought probably the most expensive steaks I've ever seen and Joey barbecued up a tasty, splurge-tastic dinner for all. They didn't mind at all that they had to sleep on our living room floor, use a lantern at night, and pour water into the toilet to flush it. Then, as quick as they came, they left this morning at 10:15. Mom's driving while Dad works on his sermon for tomorrow morning and gets mentally prepared for the crazy busy day he has ahead.

As for us, we're getting into camp-mode full swing now. For me that mostly means that I take the Cuteness to the lodge for lunch and supper, say good-bye to Joey by 7:00 in the morning, and hello at 9:00 (or later) in the evening. We'll be getting two nights off a week to be a family together (with the exception of Saturday, of course - everyone gets Saturday off) once the Camp Machine starts running. This is a big improvement from last year's schedule! It's kind of necessary now that our house is further removed from camp and I'm about to pop. Just wandering across the yard to visit people isn't an option anymore. I am, however, extremely glad that we are no longer living right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of camp. It feels more like a retreat to come home.

Every day that hydro does not show up seems to add a weight to my shoulders. I don't want it to, but even though I say "I trust you, Lord", I stress out over it. I want to do laundry. And have a bath. And use the dishwasher. And bake bread. All in my own house. But I can't. Even so, I know we are still very much blessed. We have so much. I need to keep reminding myself about that... every minute.


Happy 16 month birthday to my little goober!


  1. I can't imagine what being at the end of pregnancy with NO electricity would be like. Maybe it's God's way of telling you to take a break from nesting for now...I hope you get your electricity soon, but it sounds like you're doing all right without :) I also hope the new camp schedule works well for your little family :)

  2. It's really more of an annoyance than anything. We do have one outlet that our fridge (and fan/internet box/laptop) is plugged into, so that helps. But I think you are right... it's a very excellent way of making me not overdo it!


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