I'm on a horse

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It pains me to share this information with you and NOT have a picture to prove it, but I must. It is required of me as a mommy AND a blogger. Here it is:

Judah rode a horse yesterday.

It's true. We took a little walk to the camp's stables before lunch and before I knew what was going on, our head wrangler had scooped him out of my hands and set him on THE tallest horse at camp. She then proceeded to lead him around while he held on tightly to the horn of the saddle. I faintly mentioned that I was not sure how good his balance was (while my heart thumped inside my chest), and she assured me that she had him - or at least held a hand loosely around one of his ankles. In true Andrea fashion, I thought of the worst case scenario and realized that I would have to trust the wrangler, seeing as slithering between the rails would be difficult, nay, impossible in my bulbous form. Then again, adrenaline can make a person (even a nine-months-pregnant one) do some very "impossible" things.

All was well. Judah refused to show the slightest emotion, as is his custom with new and exciting things. When he was pulled off the horse and returned safely to my arms, he seemed a lot more comfortable with the massive horse head (far bigger than himself) that dominated his view. He even pet it voluntarily!

Am I beyond excited to raise a family in this wonderful place? You bet! We still haven't made it to the camp's pool yet, but I plan to make that happen on some quiet weekend when there's not, you know, three dozen campers in the water. I has big fears about drowning - or at least my offspring drowning.

And now I leave you to partake in the adventures of your own life. I, in the meantime, will be praying every minute that Manitoba Hydro shows up today and plugs us in. That, or drinking barrels of red raspberry leaf tea.


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