Surprise! Baby's still in there!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sigh... it's hard to write a post. I am completely torn between being grateful that I had another excellent night's sleep and sad that I didn't go into labour last night. I fully expected that this baby would come before the Cuteness did at 10 days overdue. Today is my 9th day past the EDD. Nine days feels so exceptionally long when every day brings a fresh crest of anticipation. I ride the wave. I go to bed with one last hope that contractions will start in my sleep. Then I wake up in the morning, albeit refreshed, and feel like I'm right back to square one. Okay, I think. Let's do this again. One last time. One last day. I will wait on the Lord. 

Even in my extreme disappointment, I can see God's blessings. I have had nine extra days (some of them filled with trips into the city for appointments) to spend with my family of three. Joey's still been working the crazy 15-hour camp schedule, but he's at least been able to come to all of my appointments with me. He is my best friend, and we are in this together. I covet my time with him. And Judah? Judah has been the biggest ray of sunshine in my life lately. He's completely transformed into his own little person. I can talk to him, and he talks back. One of us is usually intelligible. He loves to play with the strangest things - yesterday it was a plastic fork (with the prongs broken off), a large acrylic cup, and a beaded necklace I scored at MCC once upon a time. He loves the little things. I don't want to think about all of the moments I would have missed if I had been preoccupied with a new baby all this time. Yes, God is good. He knows what I need.

At my last appointment, the midwife who checked me (she was the one that delivered Judah) seemed confident that this baby would come for the weekend. She said my body was definitely getting ready. At the same time, she also said it would not be useful to bring me in to do repeated stretch and sweeps because my body is just not ready for that. Hey, I don't mind avoiding that uncomfortable experience and the long days (and gas money!) we would have if we were making that trip every day. I just wish there was something that I could do to bring this baby sooner - you know, other than being given nasty induction drugs at the hospital. But, there I go again, wanting to take matters into my own hands.

I'm sorry that I sound like a broken record. I kind of am. I'm stuck on the same verse, the same phrase day after day. I will tell you one thing, though: there will be some kind of crazy celebration when this baby actually makes an appearance!


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