officially "overdue"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

That's right - I did NOT blog on my due date! I don't know what possessed me to forsake such a momentous blog occasion. I had intentions to take an official due date picture, but for most of the day it was ridiculously hot and I was dressed rather frumpy and producing a steady stream of sweat. That is JUST the kind of picture I want to remember this entire pregnancy by. (Not.)

Today? Today is a new day! The heatwave broke last night and it is a B-E-A- Utiful day! I took advantage of a sudden energy burst and the cool breeze blowing through our house last night and cleaned like I've never cleaned before. Actually, I never have cleaned this house like that before, but that's beside the point. I therefore have nothing to do today but to enjoy the fruits of my labours, walk as much as I can, and savour this legitimately beautiful summer day.

As far as being overdue goes, I'm handling it pretty well. I've come to realize (and accept) that the reason Nutmeg is still in there is that s/he still has important developing to do. I don't want to cut it short! That being said, every day that goes by increases my anticipation ten fold. A hundred fold!

Alas, I am out of the running for my own sock monkey giveaway. It's not like I was going to keep it, anyways! My husband informed me that he was actually meaning to guess the 21st of July, not the 22nd - just so you know. I suppose it was a typo.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I know we will.


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